Jonathan Ntazana Yamba

Seminar: Relationships and Family Life

Session 1

My ‘Single’ Desire

Session 2

Passion & Purity

Session 3

The Heart of the Matter

Born and raised in a small town in Northern Zambia, Jonathan Ntazana Yamba embarked on a journey that would shape his course in ways he could never imagine.

Seventeen years ago, with a deep-rooted faith and a heart eager to serve, Jonathan embraced the call to service as an ordained elder. This was against the backdrop of his golden years of youth ministry as a dedicated missionary and a door-to-door evangelist. Jonathan also served as the IMPACT-Zambia president in 2015.

In the midst of his spiritual journey, Elder Yamba found a partner in life and in ministry- Lungowe. Together they have been blessed with three children: Darlene, Nathanael and Brooks. Family has always been at the core of Yamba’s being- providing love, support, and inspiration in all his endeavors. He attests to the fact that some of his greatest spiritual lessons have been drawn from this sacred circle.

With an Economics Degree, a Masters in Business Administration, and Specialized studies in Insurance- Yamba has carved out a successful career that continues to impact the lives of many. Yet, at the core of it, Elder Jonathan remains a faithful servant of the Lord who is dedicated to nurturing and guiding the next generation for mission-work. Youth mentorship holds a special place in his heart and he particularly enjoys authentic conversations with young people on godly friendships and relationships.

Elder Jonathan Yamba’s greatest pursuit is eternity with God; with his family; and with all the wonderful friends he makes along the way.

Nairobi, Kenya | July 3 - 6

2024 GYC Africa Conference: Nairobi

Adventist University of Africa Campus and ECD Headquarters

The Nairobi skyline showing the new GTC towers