Rose Mwaniki

Seminar: Financial Stewardship

Session 1

Stewards of God’s treasures

Session 2

Investing where it matters eternally

Session 3

While we wait- “Occupy Wisely"

Ms. Rose Mwaniki is a born-again Christian and a member of Parklands SDA Church, Nairobi, Kenya. 

Rose is a lead trainer in rural finance operations and is a globally accredited Consumer Protection and Social Performance Management Trainer/Auditor. She has over 10 years of experience in managing rural finance business in Kenya; and over 15 years’ experience in consulting with various financial institutions and networks within countries in Sub-Saharan Africa- including Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania Uganda and Zambia 

Currently, she is the CEO BR Consult Limited, and works as a financial inclusion consultant with The World Bank, supporting agriculture bank funded projects covering all 47 Counties in Kenya.  

Ms. Mwaniki holds a Bachelor of Education, Economics/Business from Kenyatta University; and an MBA, from the University of Eastern Africa Baraton. She holds several short-term and medium-term professional training certificates in the field of Enterprise Development from Internationally recognized Development training Institutions in Europe and the United States of America. 

Over the years, she has found her greatest fulfilment in offering practical training sessions on prudent personal financial stewardship to teens, youths and adults. She speaks at various professional/corporate sessions; in schools, and other social gatherings at churches including camp meetings sessions.

Rose enjoys her ministry at the Jamuhuri High School, where she mentors the young men, as their School Chaplain. She is happily married, and a proud mother of four children: Ian, Brian, Ellen and Joy.

Nairobi, Kenya | July 3 - 6

2024 GYC Africa Conference: Nairobi

Adventist University of Africa Campus and ECD Headquarters

The Nairobi skyline showing the new GTC towers